May 22, 2012

Featured in this issue: Terri Blackstock, Ben Carson, Jimmy Carter, Chuck Colson, Ed Dobson, Robert Plummer, Chris Spielman, Tim Tebow, & Desmond Tutu.

  1. Chuck Colson Remembered for His ‘Heart of Gold’

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    « Chuck Colson was remembered by family & friends as a man committed to his family & the prisoners God compelled him to lead. • Colson’s daughter, Emily, read aloud instructions he had left behind to be read at such a memorial service. Her father said he didn’t want this to be a sad time because he was absolutely positive that his death wouldn’t be an end, but a homecoming. • Emily Colson remembered her father as a man who put God first & his family a very close second.… »
    URL Favicon
    See Also:
    An American story of freedom via American Thinker
    Work to be done via World

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  2. Tim Tebow influenced by work, life at family’s orphanage in Philippines

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    « The last time Tim Tebow visited his father’s orphanage here in the remote hills of Mindanao island, he stood at the edge of a grassy yard & told the children to make a loop with their arms. Then, to their amazement, he threw a football right through them. • Tebow’s father, Bob, founded the orphanage in 1992 as part of his missionary work in the Philippines with the Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association, headquartered in Jacksonville, Fla. He visits several times a year, sometimes bringing with him a group of U.S. volunteers to preach in distant towns & villages.… »
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    See Also:
    Tebow moment via Pro Football Hall of Fame
    Time for Tim via Philippine Daily Inquirer
    Tim Tebow, Media Darling via

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  3. Spielman sets signing at The Strip

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    « Stark County native Chris Spielman will return home Tuesday to sign copies of the inspirational new book — "That’s Why I’m Here: The Chris & Stefanie Spielman Story" — at Books-A-Million in Jackson Township. • Steve Smith, general manager of the local Books-A-Million store said that the chain of bookstores has lined up Spielman for a number of signings in a mini-tour, but the signing at The Strip is expected to be one of the largest. Smith said the store has set aside a "substantial number" of books for Spielman’s appearance.… »

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  4. Uncelebrated surgeon

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    « Carson has directed pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center for more than 25 years. He overcame a hard childhood in inner-city Detroit & has become particularly famous for his work in separating twins with conjoined heads. In 2008 he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States. His fifth book, America the Beautiful, is now out.… »

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  5. Terri Blackstock Interview

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    « Several years ago I learned that my daughter, who was in her twenties, had a severe drug addiction. I did what most parents would do & set out to find help for her. Along the way, I learned a lot of things about addiction & treatment, & I met a lot of other parents & family members who were experiencing the same heartbreak. I finally decided to write about it, with my daughter’s blessing, in hopes that I could give a bit of hope & guidance to others dealing with this.… »

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  6. Want Downloadable Curriculum? Don’t Miss Zondervan’s Latest Move

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    « Have you seen this? As powerful as DVD-driven curriculum can be, what if you could download it? • I like this newest solution from Zondervan & With over 20 of their most popular titles (including Tim Keller’s The Reason for God, Craig Groeschel’s WEiRD, & Max Lucado’s God’s Story, Your Story), this is looking like a great resource.… »

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  7. Review: Journeys of Faith

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    « I like Robert Plummer, not just because he’s one of the few elite biblical scholars in the world who is shorter than me, but because he’s edited a lovely book on a riveting subject. Why do some Christian leaders change their denominations, often radically? The book was naturally of interest to me given my own pilgrimage over the past several years. But I really enjoyed reading the stories & testimonies in the book & seeing why people ended up where they did. & then seeing them defend their "conversion" in light of criticism.… »

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  8. Ed Dobson: How God Uses My Lou Gehrig’s Disease for Good

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    « Honestly, I would still rather be healthy & not go through this suffering. I would exchange all the life lessons & opportunities to be healthy again. But like Kim Newlen’s breast cancer, my ALS has been used by God to accomplish wonderful things for the kingdom, where even the worst suffering opened the doors to a new heavens & earth.… »

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  9. Jimmy Carter To Return To Haiti With Habitat For Humanity

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    « The 2012 build will take place Nov. 25-Dec. 1, when President & Mrs. Carter will join hundreds of volunteers to build homes with families in the area considered to be the epicenter of the 2010 earthquake. • "Last year, Rosalynn & I worked side by side with families left homeless by the 2010 earthquake & Habitat volunteers to build desperately needed homes in Haiti," said President Carter. "We were both deeply moved by the experience in a country we have known & loved for years. We have a deep personal investment in the future of Haiti & look forward to returning to Haiti in 2012 to build 100 more homes in Léogâne."… »

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  10. Global Philanthropy Group Announces Archbishop Desmond Tutu Once-in-a-Lifetime Conversation, Co-Hosted by Maggie and Trevor Neilson, Girard-Perregaux, and Elizabeth Wiatt

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    « This unique event will feature Nobel Peace Prize Laureate the Archbishop Desmond Tutu in conversation with Robert V. Taylor, author of the recently released book, ‘A New Way to Be Human.’ The focus of the discussion will be finding happiness & fulfillment, making the world a better place, & embracing a new, transformative way of feeling fully alive.… »

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  11. Zondervan Authors in the News: More!

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    « Featuring: Stan & Jan Berenstain, Jimmy Carter, Brian Hardin, Ron Hutchcraft, Bill Hybels, John MacArthur, N.T. Wright, Andrea Palpant Dilley, John Piper, & Rick Warren.… »

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Note: This is a collection of recent stories and news items mentioning authors who have published with Zondervan. This list is not comprehensive, it is not always ‘positive,’ and the order of the stories is arbitrary. The views and opinions expressed in this content do not necessarily reflect the positions or opinions of Zondervan, its authors, agents, employees, or leadership.

May 01, 2012

Featuring: Ben Carson, Chuck Colson, Cathleen Falsani, Craig Groeschel, Jeremy Lin, Max Lucado, Joel Manby, Nancy Tillman, Desmond Tutu, Ann Voskamp, Ben Witherington III and Mike Yorkey.

  1. Zondervan Signs Tutu for new children’s book

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    « Zondervan has signed Nobel Peace Prize-winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu to collaborate with bestselling author and illustrator Nancy Tillman to produce a picture book telling the creation story from Tutu’s Children of God Storybook Bible, which he published with Zondervan in 2010. Tillman will illustrate Tutu’s narrative. Zondervan holds world rights and plans to release the book in spring 2014.… »

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  2. Which Charles Colson died last week?

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    « Some stories that reported the death of Charles Colson last week explained him as the hatchet man for President Richard Nixon in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Colson wound up going to prison for Watergate-related crimes. Other stories noted him as a criminal justice reformer who befriended prisoners and thought many inmates didn’t need to be behind bars.… »
    URL Favicon
    See Also:
    Chuck Colson never left prison via The Christian Post
    Statement about Chuck Colson via Ravi Zacharias
    Charles Colson’s "ecumenism of the trenches" via the National Catholic Register

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  3. Ann Voskamp: farm wife & publishing phenom

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    « Voskamp is a writer for DaySpring, Hallmark’s inspirational division, and a farmer’s wife who has always kept journals. She began a blog on a friend’s dare as a way of working out fears, including agoraphobia, by counting blessings–a thousand of them. “It was no comments, no site meter,” Voskamp says. “I wasn’t trying to get a platform at all.” The blog eventually attracted the attention of an agent, Bill Jensen. She wasn’t even sure it was a book; she calls her writing style “idiosyncratic” and offers the word “prosetry” in describing it.… »
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    See Also:
    Never enough time via Religion News Service
    Poet/writer Ann Voskamp plants a purposeful life via The Rapdian

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  4. Blackbeard & Ben Carson: elementary students hone speech-making skills

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    « Ben Carson may be a famous neurosurgeon today, but as a child he didn’t do so well in school. Then one day Carson realized he was smarter than he thought he was… “He inspires people,” said Nadia, who won a speech-making contest Wednesday for her report on Carson’s life. “To save lives, keep dreaming, try to finish your goals.”… »

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  5. Death brings belief home

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    « But never until this year has Witherington, 60, felt so viscerally the convictions he has tried to pass on to others — nor his opposition to theologies of pain and prosperity that he says come up empty in such moments. On Jan. 11, Witherington received a phone call with news that his daughter, Christy, 32, had been found dead in her North Carolina home.… »

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  6. Zondervan looks to be first to marketplace with adult & youth bios on NBA sensation, Jeremy Lin

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    « “I’m not exactly sure how it is all going to turn out, but I know for a fact that God has called me to be here now in the NBA. And this is the assignment that He has given me. I know I wouldn’t be here if that wasn’t the case. Just looking back, though, it’s been a huge miracle. I can see His fingerprints everywhere,” Jeremy Lin said in an interview with author Mike Yorkey in Linspired. … »

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  7. Craig Groeschel urges generations to set aside resentment

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    « “Every single thing that I am doing today in ministry is the result of those in the previous generation that invested in me,” he said during the second day of the 3-day event that ended Friday. “Everything that I am able to do to make a difference for the glory of God and for the name of the risen son Jesus is the result of those who went before me and invested in me.” Groeschel implored the older generation of Christians to believe in the younger generation and set aside “a whole lot of resentment and misunderstanding.”… »

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  8. Spiritual life: App offers Max Lucado to followers

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    « For the hundreds of thousands of Max Lucado followers who just can’t get enough of the prolific writer — there’s an app for that. The ubiquitous Lucado is now available for free at the iTunes app store. Who better than Lucado for Thomas Nelson Inc., his publisher, to launch as its first app, or application, to download on portable devices.… »

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  9. "The Big Lebowski" religion founder talks "The High Holiday" of dudeism

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    « Cathleen Falsani is a good friend of ours and actually has been bestowed the title “Dudey-Sattvah.” But aside from being a Dudeist, Cathleen is also a devout Catholic, and her audience is primarily Christian. So it makes sense that she’d employ more Judeo-Christian cognates when trying to dissect the Dude. And that’s cool, that’s cool.… »

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  10. Cover design: "Love Works"

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    « Extra Credit Projects – Newly released titling and cover design project we did for our friends at Zondervan. Simple title and no-nonsense cover for Author Joel Manby of Undercover Boss fame.… »

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  11. May 01, 2012 – More News

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    « Featuring: Jan and Mike Berenstain, Shane Claiborne, Craig Groeschel, Tim Keller, Sally Lloyd-Jones, Aaron Reynolds, Gina and Michael Spehn, Andy Stanley, and Ravi Zacharias.… »

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Note: This is a collection of recent stories and news items mentioning authors who have published with Zondervan. This list is not comprehensive, it is not always ‘positive,’ and the order of the stories is arbitrary. The views and opinions expressed in this content do not necessarily reflect the positions or opinions of Zondervan, its authors, agents, employees, or leadership.

Charles W. Colson

April 24, 2012

  1. Zondervan offers statement of condolence on the passing of Chuck Colson, plans to contribute to Prison Fellowship Ministries

    « "God gifted Chuck Colson in incredible ways, and he gave it all back to the kingdom for Christ. We were honored to work with him and help carry his message to a hurting world, and I am grateful to have gotten the chance to meet and know Chuck. His passion, focus, energy, stamina, drive, and commitment made everyone who came in contact with him a better person and a better warrior for Christ. Our thoughts and prayers are with Patty, Emily, and the rest of his family during this time," said Scott Macdonald, Zondervan President and CEO.… »
    See Also:
    Remembering Charles Colson, a man transformed @ Christianity Today
    Chuck Colson and the conscience of a hatchet-man @ Christianity Today
    Remembering Chuck Colson @ The Colson Center for Christian Worldview
    Chuck Colson media mentions @ Google News
    • Zondervan’s Chuck Colson Image Set @ Flickr
    • Zondervan’s Chuck Colson Pinboard @ Pinterest
    • Zondervan’s Instagram Images (many featuring Chuck Colson)

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  2. This Week transcript: Rick Warren

    « A lot of people worry about this question, ‘why is there evil in the world? Why does God allow evil?’ To me that’s not the issue. The issue is, why is there good? It’s easy to explain away evil. We have a free choice and our greatest blessing is also our greatest curse because I don’t always make good choices.… We don’t always find answers. Explanations don’t comfort. What comforts is the presence of God, not the explanation of God.… »

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  3. After losing his wife, Stefanie, to cancer, Chris Spielman shares their story in new book

    « Chris Spielman has tackled single fatherhood with the same intensity he once displayed on the football field. More than two years after the death of his wife, Stefanie, of breast cancer at age 42, the former Ohio State and NFL linebacker juggles parenting; work as an ESPN college-football analyst; and numerous appearances to benefit the Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research, established in 1999.… »

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  4. Karen Kingsbury debuts at #1 on New York Times bestseller list with latest Zondervan novel, Loving

    « Karen Kingsbury debuted at #1 on "The New York Times Bestseller List (Trade Fiction)" with her latest release, "Loving" (March 26, 2012), the much anticipated final installment in the Bailey Flanigan series. Kingsbury said, "I am beyond grateful to my reader friends and my team at Zondervan, along with my agent Rick Christian for their belief in me and for their work on seeing “Loving” hit #1. But more than anything, I am grateful to God. This doesn’t happen outside His moving mountains to make it possible."… »

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  5. The Story Wins Dove Award for Special Event Album of the Year

    « World Vision-sponsored album "Music Inspired By The Story" has won the 2012 Dove Award for Special Event Album of the Year, the Gospel Music Association announced ahead of today’s Dove Awards broadcast. "Music Inspired By The Story," which features 18 songs written by Dove Award-winners Nichole Nordeman and Bernie Herms, is a collaboration between the WOW partnership, Zondervan, Proper Management, and World Vision.… »

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  6. Tim Tebow, Jeremy Lin among athletes on TIME 100 list for 2012

    « TIME has released its "TIME 100 for 2012", a listing of "The 100 Most Influential People In The World"…, and Jets quarterback/furor fulcrum Tebow and injured Knicks point guard Lin are both on it, despite neither player having made it through a full professional season as a starter.… »

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  7. Taking life "To the Max": Emily Colson talks about the joys and trials of raising an autistic child

    « "Twenty years ago, when I was expecting with Max, life looked smooth," said Emily. "I had a husband, a home, and a career." Then, Max failed to tick off the normal milestones of infancy. "He wasn’t walking, crawling or babbling. Finally, at 18 months, he took his first steps." Their son was diagnosed with autism, and "three days later, my husband walked out."… »

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  8. Author Francis Chan brings answer to Rob Bell’s Love Wins to Holland church

    « The soft-spoken author of top-selling Christian books such as "Crazy Love" and "Forgotten God" says he’ll be addressing issues of faith he has been grappling with over the past several years when he speaks April 26 at Central Wesleyan Church in Holland. His daughter and Rend Collective Experiment are featured musical guests.… »

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  9. Author Shauna Niequist featured at Lipscomb’s girls only "Naked" event

    « Niequist was eager to engage in an open dialogue with the audience, and after opening with a prayer, she spent over an hour answering questions on topics such as relationships, careers, dieting, and personal struggles. These issues correspond with the overall theme of this year’s Naked event, "Lusts of the Flesh."… »

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  10. New Jersey pastor burned credit card offers in protest

    « The rain didn’t stop Rev. DeForest B. Soaries, Jr., senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens, yesterday from burning credit card offer letters his members brought to church. Standing in the rain, Soaries publicly burned the credit card offer letters in the church parking lot to send a message that financial companies should stop targeting vulnerable borrowers.… »

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  11. 5 leadership lessons in 4 years

    « In their book "Sifted", Larry Osborne, Francis Chan, and Wayne Cordeiro talk about the tendency of young leaders to get their leadership energy by "pushing off" the perceived mistakes of other ministry models.… »

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  12. Ben Carson on his Local Scholars program

    « Dr. Ben Carson has another bestseller on his hands. The iconic director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital’s new book, "America The Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made America Great" (Zondervan), was released in January and hit "The New York Times" bestseller list by February.… »

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  13. Calvin College presents the world premiere of Walter Wangerin Jr.’s The Book of the Dun Cow

    « Director Stephanie Sandberg loved the book when she read it in grade school but couldn’t find an adaptation that she liked. When the book’s author Wangerin, Jr., was visiting Calvin, Sandberg discussed her dilemma with him, and he suggested she adapt it herself.… »

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  14. Campbellsville University hosts David Brody, Christian Broadcasting Network political correspondent

    « "We all go into the lion’s den every day," David Brody, chief correspondent with the Christian Broadcasting Network, said in Campbellsville University’s weekly chapel service. "Mine is the mainstream media."… »

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  15. Karen Spears Zacharias

    « You have to admit, "Will Jesus Buy Me a Doublewide (Cause I Need More Room For My Plasma TV)" is one that will get your attention. She spoke of having her first kiss, smoking her first and last cigarette, and asking Jesus into her heart on bended knee in a trailer. She fell madly in love in a trailer (a couple of different times, she says) and gave birth to her first child in a trailer. While writing the book she became unemployed and bought a flat-screen plasma TV. Her publisher, Zondervan, is known for its Christian ethic. So I knew right away this was a book I had to read. Was it a good one? Yes. Was it what I expected? Not at all.… »

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  16. Craig Groeschel urges generations to set aside resentment

    « Pastor Craig Groeschel, speaking before 3,500 Christian leaders at Catalyst West, urged younger and older generations within the church to invest their time and efforts toward each other to create the unity needed for change. The leader of the multi-site that draws 30,000 people every week told those in attendance at the conference… that it was time to address "generational tension."… »

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  17. Expert speaks out against sex addiction, porn at lunch

    « "Pornography has a neutering effect on men," Arterburn told the more than 200 attendees. "When you saturate yourself with images and fantasy, it becomes increasingly difficult to have a relationship with a real woman." And in a world of cable television, the Internet and instant messaging, impressionable young people are increasingly exposed to images and situations difficult to deal with. Without the benefit of context, Arterburn said, they can adopt the values they see on screen in their lives.… »

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  18. New book fare

    « No. 4 in Nonfiction Hardcover: "The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears," by Mark Batterson… »

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  19. Renowned speaker/author Carolyn Custis James is keynote speaker at Scenic City

    « Carolyn Custis James is known for saying, "the moment the word ‘why’ crosses your lips you are doing theology." Her book, "When Life and Beliefs Collide," delves into the subject that what we know and believe about God is the basis for how we deal with tragedy in our lives. With so many people in the Chattanooga area facing the devastating aftershocks of the tornados, illness, job-loss and economic hardship, the organization was moved to lead this much-needed and timely ministry for the community.… »

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  20. The Evangelical left in history and today

    « Today, stereotyping evangelicalism as a whole only fortifies the influence of the political right on a movement that has a much more varied history. Democrats should therefore applaud President Obama and others working to transcend these traditional political barriers.… »

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  21. Theologians are OK with Bible translation replacing Jesus Christ, angel

    « Dr. Darrell Bock, professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, worked on the Luke-Acts portion of the translation. Bock told "The Christian Post" that although the word "Christ" does not appear in the text, the meaning of the word is still present in the form of the term "Anointed One," which was frequently used in its place.… »

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  22. Review: Your Church is Too Safe by Mark Buchanan

    « The tone of the book is genuine and non-judgmental, with contents that could be used as a roadmap for churches who want to be all that God intended them to be. Such a book as this is long overdue. I strongly recommend church leaders, pastors and laity read it. There’s something for everyone in these pages from a pastor who reminds us that "…the gospel should afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted."… »

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  23. Review: How to Read the Bible Through a Jesus Lens by Michael Williams

    « This is a charming little book that gives an overview of every book of the Bible and how it relates to Jesus. Williams says: "Reading the Bible through the Jesus lens is reading it the way it was intended. It keeps our reading, understanding, teaching, and preaching properly focused on God’s grand redemptive program that centers on his own son."… »

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  24. Review: Sketchy Behavior by Erynn Mangum

    « I really like the main character, Kate Carter. The author, Erin Mangum did a great job of bringing Kate’s character to life. I also like the way the author tackled the subject of introducing someone to God and the church. Kate had heard of God, but she… »

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  25. Review: Facing the Hunchback of Notre Dame by L.L. Samson

    « Self-conscious chapter titles ("Welcoming the Character that Rounds Things Out") and references to literature throughout the narrative make this a feast for middle-grade book lovers. Kids who like quirky adventure stories with idiosyncratic characters will enjoy a simpler kind of fun.… »

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  26. Review: The Imam’s Daughter by Hannah Shah

    « All in all this is a good read. The story flows well, and the editing has been done with care. Anyone with ties to the British Pakistani diaspora or women’s rights or Muslim evangelism will find much to interest them in this volume.… »

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  27. Review: My Holy Bible for African-American Children

    « What I Like: Everything. The people depicted in most illustrated Bibles are light-skinned. I don’t know what it’s like to be an African-American, but I believe if I were I would appreciate a Bible of this nature.… »

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  28. Mike Haynes: C.S. Lewis College encounters money woes

    « Two years ago, plans for a "great books" college in Northfield, Mass., named for the great Christian writer, had just been announced, and I wrote, "It would be cool for the Texas Panhandle to be represented in that first class …" in fall 2012. Now I think it would be cool if CSL College opens at all.… »

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  29. Comerica Bank’s 6th annual Women’s Business Symposium Courage to Change

    « This half day event will feature speakers including Dr. John Townsend, nationally known psychologist and author; Rhonda Sciortino, author of Succeed Because of What You’ve Been Through; Trindl Reeves, Principal of Barney & Barney; Trina Norman, Package Division Manager of UPS; Michelle Duong, Managing Partner of AM Solutions Group; M.J. Ryan, best-selling author; and Bonnie St. John—Olympic athlete.… »

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Note: This is a collection of recent stories and news items mentioning authors who have published with Zondervan. This list is not comprehensive, it is not always ‘positive,’ and the order of the stories is arbitrary. The views and opinions expressed in this content do not necessarily reflect the positions or opinions of Zondervan, its authors, agents, employees, or leadership.

Ann Voskamp

April 17, 2012

  1. Featuring: Gregg Allison, Karl Bacon, Mark Batterson, Terri Blackstock, Craig Blaising, Ben Carson, Chris Castaldo, Shane Claiborne, Chuck Colson, Melanie Dickerson, Anne Graham Lotz, Rachel Held Evans, Kyle Idleman, Karen Kingsbury, E.B. Lewis, Max Lucado, Frederica Mathewes-Green, DiAnn Mills, Frank Peretti, Julie Stiegemeyer, Tim Tebow, John Townsend, Ann Voskamp, and Walter Wangerin Jr.
  2. Tim Tebow says football comes after faith & family

    « While Tebow loves the game and vows to give his “heart and soul” to every single play, it’s the moments off the field that matter more, such as the time he gets to spend with a sick child.… »
  3. Chuck Colson talking, showing slow progress after surgery

    « Two weeks after brain surgery, evangelical leader Chuck Colson is able to talk to family members and continues to show progress, but he remains in the Intensive Care Unit, according to the latest update.… »
  4. Journals of gratitude prepare women for Easter

    « Voskamp’s story of writing down 1,000 things she was grateful for has earned her a spot on The New York Times bestsellers list for more than eight months and has inspired countless others to take note of their own gifts and to trust the giver.… »
  5. 2012 Christy Award nominees announced

    « First Novel: An Eye for Glory by Karl Bacon; Merchant’s Daughter by Melanie Dickerson.… »
  6. 2012 Retailers Choice Awards

    « Finalists: NIV Youth Quest Study Bible; Heaven: God’s Promise for Me by Anne Graham Lotz; The Story for Children: A Storybook Bible by Max Lucado; Ocean Adventures: The Nature of God; One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp; Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman; Leaving by Karen Kingsbury; Vicious Cycle by Terri Blackstock; The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson; Beyond Boundaries by John Townsend; The Story: Teen Edition; and Through My Eyes: Young Readers Edition by Tim Tebow.… »
  7. Festival of Faith & Writing 2012

    « This year’s plenary speakers, for which the public can purchase tickets, will include Marilynne Robinson, author of the 2005 Pultizer Prize winning book Gilead, as well as Jonathan Safran Foer and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, both of whom were featured in the New Yorker’s 2010 “20 Under 40” issue. Additionally, Calvin’s own Newbery Honor Award-winning professor Gary Schmidt and prominent activist Shane Claiborne will lead plenary sessions. … And on stage, the Calvin Theatre Company will present The Book of the Dun Cow, by Festival author Walter Wangerin Jr.… »
  8. Under the Baobab Tree, starred review

    « From the opening full-bleed, full-spread watercolor illustration of a young boy greeting the dawn in front of his grass-roofed hut with arms stretched wide toward heaven, to the final spread of a community gathered to praise God under a baobab tree’s encompassing branches, a spirit of quiet joy and wonder reverberates through this tale.… »
  9. Wheaton college hosts ‘Journeys of Faith’ Evangelicals becoming Catholic

    « Subtitled “Evangelicals Becoming Catholic: A Response,” evangelical leaders Gregg Allison, Craig Blaising and Chris Castaldo will discuss the growing number of Protestant Christians converting to Catholicism. All three participants are contributors to the book Journeys of Faith: Evangelicalism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Anglicanism (Zondervan, 2012).… »
  10. Texas Reads: Lori Wilde series set in cutting horse country

    « Abilene’s Karen Witemeyer has a new historical romance due out in June from inspirational publisher Bethany House, “Short-Straw Bride” ($14.99). Other Christian/inspirational romances due this spring from Texas authors include “My Stubborn Heart” by Becky Wade of Dallas (Bethany House, $13.99), “The Chase” by Diane [sic] Mills of Houston (Zondervan, $14.99), and “A Flight of Fancy” by Laurie Alice Eakes of Laredo (Revell, $14.99).… »
  11. Christian author explains pro-life stance

    « Mathewes-Green is the author of nine books. Her work also has appeared in major publications such as the Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times and Christianity Today.… »
  12. Guest blogger: Why we can all opt out of the ‘war on women’

    « Rachel Held Evans is a popular blogger and the author of Evolving in Monkey Town (Zondervan 2010) and the forthcoming A Year of Biblical Womanhood (Thomas Nelson, 2012). She always has a lively conversation going on at… »
  13. It’s all about love at the Strongsville Library this week

    « Illusion: a Novel By Frank Peretti. (Howard Books) March 2012, 498 pages. Christian author Peretti turns his hand to a time travel romance when Dane and Mandy, a popular magic act for forty years, are tragically separated by a car wreck that claims Mandy’s life-or so everyone thinks. Then Dane discovers a nineteen year young woman who is identical to his Mandy performing illusions that he can’t explain. Fans of The Time Traveler’s Wife should definitely try this one.… »
  14. New York Times best sellers

    « April 15, 2012: #30 in combined print nonfiction, America the Beautiful, by Ben Carson; #31 in combined print fiction, Loving, by Karen Kingsbury.… »

Note: This is a collection of recent stories and news items mentioning authors who have published with Zondervan. This list is not comprehensive, it is not always ‘positive,’ and the order of the stories is arbitrary. The views and opinions expressed in this content do not necessarily reflect the positions or opinions of Zondervan, its authors, agents, employees, or leadership.

Chuck Colson

April 10, 2012

  1. Featuring: Mark Arey, Chuck Colson, Chris Diamantopoulos, Douglas Groothuis, Jose Henriquez, Karen Kingsbury, Chris Koelle, Anne Graham Lotz, Joyce Magnin, The Story, Tim Tebow, and Rick Warren.
  2. Pro-Life, Christian Writer Chuck Colson in Critical Condition

    Chuck Colson, a pro-life Christian writer who has graced the LifeNews web site dozens of times with his insightful analysis and opinion is in critical condition following emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain.
  3. A Nixonite redeemed

    For the first time in 34 years, Chuck Colson won’t be in a prison for Easter. The famous Watergate figure and Christian convert usually spends the day ministering to prisoners, but is recovering from surgery to remove a blood clot on his brain. Colson, 80, is a giant of our time. He is a reminder of the true meaning of redemption, a concept that has been debased in our Tilt-a-Whirl media culture that can’t distinguish between notoriety and fame.
  4. Karen Kingsbury fiction tops general best-seller list

    Karen Kingsbury’s Loving surpasses the top-selling Jesus Calling on the General top 20 best-seller list from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, tracking sales for the week ending March 31, according to Pubtrack Christian data.
  5. Tebow At Easter Celebration In Texas Draws Huge Crowds

    Tim Tebow drew a crowd of about 15,000 to an outdoor Easter church service Sunday, telling the gathering it’s important to be outspoken about faith while admonishing athletes about not being better role models. “In Christianity, it’s the Pope and Tebow right now,” Celebration Church pastor Joe Champion he said. “We didn’t have enough room to handle the Pope.”
  6. Rick Warren Talks About Tim Tebow, Mormons, Gay Marriage and Exclusivity of Christ

    In an Easter Sunday interview on ABC’s “This Week,” megachurch pastor and best-selling author Rick Warren talked about a range of cultural and political issues, including President Obama’s birth control mandate, the intersection of religion and politics and whether one can get to Heaven by being a good person.
  7. Deals: Week of April 9, 2012

    Mike Vander Klipp at Zondervan took North American rights to a graphic novel called The Book of Revelation by Father Mark Arey, Philemon Sevstiades, illustrator Chris Koelle, screenwriter Matt Dorff and actor Chris Diamantopoulos. Arey is a priest in the in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and provided, with Sevstiades, an original translation of the religious text.
  8. Anne Graham Lotz Refuses To Vote For Atheists: Evangelist Preacher Says Political Leaders Should Fear God

    Anne Graham Lotz, an evangelist preacher whose father is the famous Rev. Billy Graham, said on Sunday that an atheist presidential candidate could never get her vote. “I would not vote for a man who was an atheist because I believe you need to have an acknowledgement or a reverence or a fear for almighty God. And I believe that’s where wisdom comes from,” she said during a panel discussion on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
  9. The Story: A New Kind of Bible

    Let’s face it. Our world has changed dramatically. A decent segment of the population has great trouble reading literature. They’ve cut their teeth on skimming tweets, digesting texts, and scanning blogs. Reading literature is fast becoming an endangered skill. For this reason, many have trouble reading the Bible. Enter a new kind of Bible for a text-skimming, tweet-digesting, blog-scanning generation. The Story.
  10. Fiction review: Harriet Beamer Takes the Bus

    Not aimed at fans of dystopia and dysfunction, it’s a great read for fans of feisty-old-lady stories; spiritual elements are well blended in, like the right amount of seasoning from one of Harriet’s shakers.
  11. Christian Apologetics Manifesto: Nineteen Theses To Shake the World With the Truth

    Because of (1) the waning influence of the Christian worldview in public and private life in America today, (2) the pandemic of anti-intellectualism in the contemporary church, and (3) the very command of God himself to declare, explain, and defend divine truth, I strongly advise that the following statements be wrestled with and responded to by all followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  12. Chilean miner testifies of God’s power and presence

    “Without any doubt, the power of God has no limits,” Henriquez told students at Dallas Baptist University during a recent chapel service. He has written a book recounting his experiences, Miracle in the Mine: One Man’s Story of Strength and Survival in the Chilean Mines, published by Zondervan.
  13. April 10, 2012 (More News…)

    Featuring: Carolyn Ann Wharton, Mark Batterson, Heather Burch, Anthony Carpenter, Jimmy Carter, Rachel Coker, David E. Garland, Kara E. Powell, Margaret Feinberg, Rachel Held Evans, C.S. Lewis, Jeremy Lin, Hal Lindsey, Temper Longman III, John MacArthur, David Staal, Jeff Swanson, Tim Tebow, N.T. Wright, Karen Spears Zacharias, Naomi Zacharias, and Ravi Zacharias. Also included: Glo Bible, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, The Story, and the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Commentary.