May 01, 2012

Featuring: Ben Carson, Chuck Colson, Cathleen Falsani, Craig Groeschel, Jeremy Lin, Max Lucado, Joel Manby, Nancy Tillman, Desmond Tutu, Ann Voskamp, Ben Witherington III and Mike Yorkey.

  1. Zondervan Signs Tutu for new children’s book

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    « Zondervan has signed Nobel Peace Prize-winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu to collaborate with bestselling author and illustrator Nancy Tillman to produce a picture book telling the creation story from Tutu’s Children of God Storybook Bible, which he published with Zondervan in 2010. Tillman will illustrate Tutu’s narrative. Zondervan holds world rights and plans to release the book in spring 2014.… »

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  2. Which Charles Colson died last week?

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    « Some stories that reported the death of Charles Colson last week explained him as the hatchet man for President Richard Nixon in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Colson wound up going to prison for Watergate-related crimes. Other stories noted him as a criminal justice reformer who befriended prisoners and thought many inmates didn’t need to be behind bars.… »
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    See Also:
    Chuck Colson never left prison via The Christian Post
    Statement about Chuck Colson via Ravi Zacharias
    Charles Colson’s "ecumenism of the trenches" via the National Catholic Register

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  3. Ann Voskamp: farm wife & publishing phenom

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    « Voskamp is a writer for DaySpring, Hallmark’s inspirational division, and a farmer’s wife who has always kept journals. She began a blog on a friend’s dare as a way of working out fears, including agoraphobia, by counting blessings–a thousand of them. “It was no comments, no site meter,” Voskamp says. “I wasn’t trying to get a platform at all.” The blog eventually attracted the attention of an agent, Bill Jensen. She wasn’t even sure it was a book; she calls her writing style “idiosyncratic” and offers the word “prosetry” in describing it.… »
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    See Also:
    Never enough time via Religion News Service
    Poet/writer Ann Voskamp plants a purposeful life via The Rapdian

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  4. Blackbeard & Ben Carson: elementary students hone speech-making skills

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    « Ben Carson may be a famous neurosurgeon today, but as a child he didn’t do so well in school. Then one day Carson realized he was smarter than he thought he was… “He inspires people,” said Nadia, who won a speech-making contest Wednesday for her report on Carson’s life. “To save lives, keep dreaming, try to finish your goals.”… »

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  5. Death brings belief home

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    « But never until this year has Witherington, 60, felt so viscerally the convictions he has tried to pass on to others — nor his opposition to theologies of pain and prosperity that he says come up empty in such moments. On Jan. 11, Witherington received a phone call with news that his daughter, Christy, 32, had been found dead in her North Carolina home.… »

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  6. Zondervan looks to be first to marketplace with adult & youth bios on NBA sensation, Jeremy Lin

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    « “I’m not exactly sure how it is all going to turn out, but I know for a fact that God has called me to be here now in the NBA. And this is the assignment that He has given me. I know I wouldn’t be here if that wasn’t the case. Just looking back, though, it’s been a huge miracle. I can see His fingerprints everywhere,” Jeremy Lin said in an interview with author Mike Yorkey in Linspired. … »

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  7. Craig Groeschel urges generations to set aside resentment

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    « “Every single thing that I am doing today in ministry is the result of those in the previous generation that invested in me,” he said during the second day of the 3-day event that ended Friday. “Everything that I am able to do to make a difference for the glory of God and for the name of the risen son Jesus is the result of those who went before me and invested in me.” Groeschel implored the older generation of Christians to believe in the younger generation and set aside “a whole lot of resentment and misunderstanding.”… »

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  8. Spiritual life: App offers Max Lucado to followers

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    « For the hundreds of thousands of Max Lucado followers who just can’t get enough of the prolific writer — there’s an app for that. The ubiquitous Lucado is now available for free at the iTunes app store. Who better than Lucado for Thomas Nelson Inc., his publisher, to launch as its first app, or application, to download on portable devices.… »

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  9. "The Big Lebowski" religion founder talks "The High Holiday" of dudeism

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    « Cathleen Falsani is a good friend of ours and actually has been bestowed the title “Dudey-Sattvah.” But aside from being a Dudeist, Cathleen is also a devout Catholic, and her audience is primarily Christian. So it makes sense that she’d employ more Judeo-Christian cognates when trying to dissect the Dude. And that’s cool, that’s cool.… »

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  10. Cover design: "Love Works"

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    « Extra Credit Projects – Newly released titling and cover design project we did for our friends at Zondervan. Simple title and no-nonsense cover for Author Joel Manby of Undercover Boss fame.… »

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  11. May 01, 2012 – More News

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    « Featuring: Jan and Mike Berenstain, Shane Claiborne, Craig Groeschel, Tim Keller, Sally Lloyd-Jones, Aaron Reynolds, Gina and Michael Spehn, Andy Stanley, and Ravi Zacharias.… »

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Note: This is a collection of recent stories and news items mentioning authors who have published with Zondervan. This list is not comprehensive, it is not always ‘positive,’ and the order of the stories is arbitrary. The views and opinions expressed in this content do not necessarily reflect the positions or opinions of Zondervan, its authors, agents, employees, or leadership.